PI(3)P diC8 (Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate diC8) is a synthetic purified dioctanoyl PI(3)P.Phosphoinositides (PIPns) are minor components of cellular membranes but are integral signaling molecules for cellular communication. Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate is enriched in early endosomes having roles in endosome fusion and receptor sorting and internalization in multivesicular bodies. PI(3)P has also been found at the plasma membrane and is involved in the translocation of the glucose transport protein GLUT4.Product Keywords: Dioctanoyl Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate PtdIns(3)P C8 PI(3)P C8 or PI3P C8Bulk discounts available please email echelon@echelon-inc.com for information.